I regularly provide context and expert commentary on privacy, security and human rights.
At the height of the Cambridge Analytica scandal I provided context and commentary on Facebook’s data collection practices and their privacy implications.
- I condemned the practice of the Dutch police to surveil climate activists and their families.
AT5 14 maart 2023, Privégegevens van activisten opgevraagd door politie: “Waarom ook mijn vrouw en kinderen? - I provided background on the privacy implicactions of smart doorbells.
AT5 19 March 2024, De opkomst van de slimme deurbel: heel handig voor de politie, maar niet voor je privacy - When a new bill on the national intelligence services was put forward I was interviewed on my research on supervision of intelligence services in national newspaper De Volkskrant.
Inlichtingendiensten te vrij in nieuw wetsvoorstel – De Volkskrant (.pdf) - I reacted to the Dutch Cybersecurity Strategy in De Volkskrant, arguing that offensive information security researchers should be better protected.
Leg wettelijk vast dat experts onderzoek mogen doen naar gaten in cyberbeveiliging – De Volkskrant (.pdf) - I provided expert commentary on the privacy issues involved with parents sharing data of their children online for a column in NRC (Dutch).
Op naar een babyvrij Instagram – NRC (.pdf) - In response to revelations that Dutch intelligence services had been wiretapping a human rights organisation I wrote an editorial in favour of encryption for NRC (Dutch).
Bescherm je cliënten tegen de staat versleutel je mail – NRC (.pdf) - As the Dutch government responded to accusations of possible espionage by banning certain hardware manufacturers, I argue in favour of focusing on encryption instead in my analysis of our response to vulnerabilities in IT-infrastructure in national newspaper de Volkskrant (Dutch).
Óók soft en hardware die niet uit China komen zijn notoir onveilig. Hacken is het probleem niet Huawei – de Volkskrant (.pdf)